When NO Name is the Best Name

Matthew Joseph Taylor
4 min readSep 23, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As a developer I find thinking of the best name for something is an activity I give particular importance to.

As I mentioned in a previous article I view programming more as world building. Similar to a fiction-writer creating a ‘fictional world’ for their readers.

Just as a fiction-writer spends time naming people, places, and things in their world I spend time naming variables, and functions, and modules.

As a person who has been ‘naming things’ for decades I can say with confidence that this critical task never appears to get easier.

In fact, it gets more difficult with time as my depth of knowledge and range increases. It was simpler when I was a wee-programmer and my ‘vocabulary’ was more limited.

This is going to sound silly: I’ve now reached a point where I revere the naming of things to such a degree that I often dare not name some things.

For example, I find I want to write code more like this

const uppercase = (value) => value.toUpperCase();
["red", "green", "blue"].map(uppercase);

vs this:

const uppercase = (value) => value.toUpperCase();
["red", "green", "blue"].map((color) => uppercase(color));

(removes the extra name color)

I often edit code with ‘extra names’ to make it more terse. Almost never the other way.

The advantage is that this code is now more flexible and can be used in many more contexts.

["small", "medium", "large"].map((color) => uppercase(color));
["small", "medium", "large"].map(uppercase);

Note above the name color rather than illuminating what is going on and filling out the story, does just the opposite and introduces a confusion, perhaps even a lie. The more terse nameless version is in some sense 'better'.

Of course the same problem exists with any name

const uppercase = (value) => value.toLowerCase();
["red", "green", "blue"].map(uppercase);

When I name something I have to be very careful that the name agrees with that the reader thinks that name means.

This agreement between the reader and the writer is the problem. Problems arise even when the reader and writer are the same person (perhaps before and after lunch), much less if other individuals in a team environment, or random person on the internet, need to come to agreement.

It would be nice to get rid of names altogether

Unfortunately this makes the code as unreadable as a fiction-writer writing a story with no names for the characters, places, things, etc… Doable perhaps, but I doubt if the reader would enjoy the experience.

The human mind is limited, and needs names to make sense of the world.

Naming is Hard

The sad fact is that names are a hard part of programming and take constant care and attention. In balance, they are also where much of the meaning and joy come from.

When naming, to a degree it depends on who the target audience is and what they think a name means or represents.

When I say foo paired with bar those names represent something in particular to one audience, and might be meaningless dribble to another.

When I say map it gets trickier because the word has many meanings in many contexts to many audiences.

However, if I can get away without using any name, that is an elegant solution that fits almost anywhere.

Standard Names are Nearly Invisible

I recommend to read widely and examine as much code as one is able. If a name crops up repeatedly, then I do my best to take note of it, especially how it is being implicitly defined via usage.

Thus a vocabulary is built up over time that allows one to speak to other code-writers in a language that is understandable to code-writers.

This helps by using a ‘standard’ name for something, taking the burden off of both the writer and the reader.

A for-loop that didn't use i for the counter would be harder for most 20th century c-like language readers to read.

I find that standard names are the next best thing to a ‘no-name’.


I don’t believe there is any ‘right’ answer to the question when or how to name things. Similar to how there is no ‘right’ answer to how any story-author should name things in their world.

‘Not naming’ is a valuable tool in the naming-toolbox.

I note that not-naming is a trick many world builders use in writing.

Often I find stories with fewer names to keep track of, have more of a timeless quality. Stories with more names I find have a more immediate and real quality to them.

It think the same holds for naming in programming. To the degree that the program needs to be timeless, fewer names are desired. To the degree that the program is a one off, custom or wants to fill a particular immediate role, more names are called for.

With this in mind, I think it is best to err on the side of too many names, and then edit down the names as the code evolves over time. I also find this a natural inclination, and thus easier to achieve and remain consistent with. The names that survive many ‘cullings’ over time I find take on deeper meaning and purpose, and thus earn their keep.

Originally published at https://github.com.



Matthew Joseph Taylor

I play with the bits and the bits play with me. See mjt.dev for more.